Transitions: Maximizing life’s processes of growth and development


Transitions: Maximizing life’s processes of growth and development by Emmanuel Eko


Life is a journey. It is the interconnection of a string of choices, decision and their outcomes. As with every journey, we often find ourselves at points that actually aren’t our destinations but look nothing like where we started or where we have been. 

These points are temporary stop overs in the journey to the place of destiny and fulfilment. They are called our points in Transit or Transitional moments. 

What do you do when you find yourself in these moments in life when you can’t seem to get to your desired destination and yet lack the comfort zone of your beginning? How do you handle these trying but deciding moments of waiting? From whom and what do you draw the strength required for the season? How do you handle and keep your emotions in proper perspective for the journey ahead of you, despite the many negative experiences? How do I practically maximize my in-between moments? 

These, and many more, are the questions addressed in this book. TRANSITION conveys mind blowing answers in an easy-to-read format, blending true life stories with time-tested principles you will find invaluable in your seasons of Transition.


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