Does Reverend Crown Self-publish Books? |Traditional Publishing

Does Reverend Crown Self-publish Books? |Traditional Publishing

Does Reverend Crown Self-publish Books? |Traditional Publishing

Reverend Crown is not a Self-publishing company. Reverend Crown is a traditional publishing house. It does not charge authors. The Author receives the royalty from their book sales and only after a book gets sold, the entire staff in the company and the company itself gets paid. No traditional publisher charges the author. Only if the author prospers, the publishing house prospers.

Self-publishing companies charge authors upfront for the product creation and distribution and hold no rights over your book. You are the publisher of your book. For example, Blaze Goldburst Technologies is helping aspiring authors in self-publishing their book. Blaze Goldburst Technologies has brought before you and it is the best platform for self-publishing as it creates the highest quality product for the aspiring author, who wants to venture into self-publishing their book. It helps in creating a fantastic book cover, as the readers always judge a book by its cover, and also the interior formatting of the book is done. The company also guides them into publishing their book on different platforms. The self-published authors can also promote their books through Video Book Marketing like a Video Author Interview, Cinematic Book Blurb, Book Explainer Video, Book Trailers and a lot more.

You can visit from the link in the description below and get self-published or get the Video Book Marketing for your already self-published book.

 The authors keep all the royalties and have complete control over their sales and distribution process and Blaze Goldburst Technologies takes nothing from the author, no share at all.

All authors with great potential deserve all the success. Your prosperity is our priority.

For traditional publishing submissions, visit

 Traditional publishing should not be the zone dominated by the established. New voices need to be heard.

I am Blaze Goldburst, the CEO of Blaze Goldburst Technologies. Wishing you immense success in your writing career. We help authors in Book Publishing and Video Book Marketing.

You can support the voice of the aspiring authors by ordering a copy of their book from the links in the description below. The Book Merchandize is also available. Get yours now and let us celebrate the journey of the aspiring author. Let us strive to bring a change in this Book Industry together.

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